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Urania 3000 SAE 15W-40 API CI-4

PETRONAS Urania 3000 15W-40 is a premium engine oil formulated with StrongTechTM technology, engineered  to stay stronger for longer, forming a uniquely strong fluid film to extend drain intervals and engine life, maximize performance and keep your business and your trucks moving. This helps in extending engine life and reduces the total cost of ownership.


Designed with StrongTechTM, engineered with core strength to stay stronger for longer

ParametersMethodUnitTypical Value
AppearanceBright & Clear
Density @15°CASTM D 4052g/cm30,876
Kinematic Viscosity @100°CASTM D 445mm2/s (cSt)14,3
Viscosity IndexASTM D 2270135
Flash Point COCASTM D 92°C> 230
TBNASTM D 2896mgKOH/g> 11
CCS at –20°CASTM D5293mPa*s (cP)6620
Pour PointASTM D97°C-36


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