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PETRONAS Syntium 800 SN 10W-40

PETRONAS Syntium 800 10W-40 is formulated with oCoolTechTM to fight excessive engine heat. oCoolTechTM targets the critical heat zones – engine parts affected by excessive heat inside the engine to effectively absorb & transfer theexcessive heat and regulates the temperature, defending the engine critical components from damaging andloss of performance. Syntium 800 10W-40 is recommended for use in all type of passenger carsand latest model high performance cars fitted with fuel injections, multi-valves, turbochargers or superchargersoperating under most extreme conditions


Developed with o CoolTech TM technology to control engine – damaging heat

ParametersMethodUnitTypical Value
AppearanceBright & Clear
Density @15°CASTM D 4052g/cm30.8636
Kinematic Viscosity @100°CASTM D 445mm2/s (cSt)14.19
Viscosity IndexASTM D 2270153
Flash Point COCASTM D 92°C240
TBNASTM D 2896mgKOH/g10
CCS at –25°CASTM D5293mPa*s5004
Pour PointASTM D97°C-45


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