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PETRONAS Long Life Radiator Coolant

PETRONAS Long-Life Radiator Coolant is a specially formulated with Ethylene Glycol base fluid to effectively dissipate heat from the radiator system to prevent engine overheating. It will also prevent deposit formation and corrosion of the engines cooling system. It is compatible with most types of rubber and other coolants, exhibits long term stability and is non-foaming and also good for aluminum protection.


PETRONAS Long-Life Radiator Coolant is a specially formulated with Ethylene Glycol base fluid toeffectively dissipate heat

Specific gravity 20°C,(g/cm3)1.1370
Freesing Point,°C (50% diluted with distrilled water)-36.5
Freesing Point,°C (30% diluted with distrilled water)-15.4
Bolling Point (undiluted)°C166
pH Value (undiluted)8.2
pH Value (50% water)7.5
pH Value (70% water)7.4
Reserved alkalinity8.6
ColourDark Green
Water content, max % vol3.5


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