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PETRONAS Hydraulic Series

PETRONAS Hydraulic Series are high performance anti-wear hydraulic fluids specially developed for a wide range of mobile and industrial hydraulic equipment operating under normal to heavy duty conditions.
Formulated with high quality selected base oils enhanced with advanced anti-wear, anti-oxidant, anti-rust and anti-foam additives, PETRONAS Hydraulic fluids provide high anti-wear protection, smooth operation of the hydraulic system and up to 3x longer lasting performance*.


High Performance Anti-wear Hydraulic Fluids

Specific Gravity @15°CASTM D 4052(1)0,8560,8600,8680,871
Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C, cStASTM D 445±10%10152232
Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C, cStASTM D 445**2,73,44,35,4
Viscosity indexASTM D 2270(1)10898101102
Flash Point COCASTM D 92Report150150170220
Pour Point, °CASTM D 97**-39-39-36-33
TAN, mgKOH/gASTM D 664(1)0,600,600,600,60
FZG, Stages PassedISO 14635-1Min. 1012121212
Water Separability, 40/37/3 – minsASTM D 1401**10101010
Copper Strip CorrosionASTM D 130Max. 21b1b1b1b
TOST life, hoursASTM D 943Min. 10003900390039003900
Foam Sequence I, mLMax. 150/00/00/00/00/0
Foam Sequence II, mLASTM D 892Max. 75/00/00/00/00/0
Foam Sequence III, mLMax. 150/00/00/00/00/0
Specific Gravity @15°CASTM D 4052(1)0,8770,8830,8860,890
Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C, cStASTM D 445±10%4668100150
Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C, cStASTM D 445**6,88,711,214,7
Viscosity indexASTM D 2270(1)102999797
Flash Point COCASTM D 92Report220220240240
Pour Point, °CASTM D 97**-33-30-27-27
TAN, mgKOH/gASTM D 664(1)0,600,600,600,60
FZG, Stages PassedISO 14635-1Min. 1012121212
Water Separability, 40/37/3 – minsASTM D 1401**15153030
Copper Strip CorrosionASTM D 130Max. 21b1b1b1b
TOST life, hoursASTM D 943Min. 10003900390039003900
Foam Sequence I, mLMax. 150/00/00/00/00/0
Foam Sequence II, mLASTM D 892Max. 75/00/00/00/00/0
Foam Sequence III, mLMax. 150/00/00/00/00/0


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