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PETRONAS Geo S 40 is a premium performance natural gas engine oil specially developed for the lubrication of a wide range of spark-ignited gas-fuelled engines in order to improve fuel-efficiency and reduce emissions.

Formulated with high quality selected mineral base oils enhanced with advanced anti-wear, anti-oxidant, detergent, dispersant, anti-rust and anti-foam additives, PETRONAS Geo S 40 oil provides excellent piston deposit, sludge and ash control, excellent TBN retention and thermal stability as well as resistance to oxidation and nitration.


Premium Performance Natural Gas Engine Oil

CharacteristicMethodSpecificationSAE 40
Specific Gravity @15°CASTM D 4052(1)0,875
Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C, cStASTM D 445(1)116,3
Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C, cStASTM D 445(1)12,75
Viscosity IndexASTM D 2270(1)102
Flash Point, °CASTM D 92(1)>166
Pour Point, °CASTM D 97(1)-30
TBN, mgKOH/gASTM D2896(1)5,9
Sulphated Ash, %ASTM D874(1)0,46
Foam Sequence I, mLASTM D 892(1)0/0


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