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PETRONAS Geo BLG Series is a premium performance bio and landfill gas engine oil specially developed for bio and landfill applications.
Formulated with the highest quality selected mineral base oils enhanced with advanced anti-wear, anti-oxidant, detergent, dispersant, anti-rust and anti-foam additives, PETRONAS Geo BLG oil provides excellent anti-wear protection, excellent TBN retention, reduced combustion chamber deposits, low oil consumption and extra protection against landfill gas*.


Premium Performance Bio and Landfill Gas Engine Oil

CharacteristicMethodSpecificationSAE 40
Specific Gravity @15°CASTM D 4052(1)0,874
Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C, cStASTM D 445(1)119,30
Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C, cStASTM D 445(1)13,31
Viscosity IndexASTM D 2270(1)107
Flash Point, °CASTM D 92(1)270
Pour Point, °CASTM D 97(1)-33
TAN, mgKOH/gASTM D 664(1)0,96
TBN, mgKOH/gASTM D2896(1)4,51
Sulphated Ash, %ASTM D874(1)0,50
Foam Sequence I, mLASTM D 892(1)0/0


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