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Compressor A M2

PETRONAS Compressor A M2 Series are high performance air compressor oils specially developed for up to 2,000 hours oil life in service, even when operating at maximum discharge temperatures up to 100°C.
Formulated with high quality selected mineral base oils enhanced with advanced anti-oxidant, anti-wear (zinc free), anti-rust and anti-foam additives, PETRONAS Compressor A M2 oils provide very good varnish and deposit control, very good thermal and oxidation stability for long lasting performance.


High Performance Air Compressor Oil

Specific Gravity @15°CASTM D 4052(1)0,8650,8730,875
Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C, cStASTM D 445±10%324668
Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C, cStASTM D 445**5,46,88,8
Viscosity IndexASTM D 2270(1)102102102
Flash Point, °CASTM D 92Report220220220
Pour Point, °CASTM D 97Max. -9-33-33-30
TAN, mgKOH/gASTM D 664Report0,090,090,09
Water Separability, 40/37/3 – minsASTM D 1401(1)151520
Copper Strip CorrosionASTM D 130(1)1b1b1b
Foam Sequence I, mL(1)30/030/030/0
Foam Sequence II, mLASTM D 892(1)50/050/050/0
Foam Sequence III, mL(1)30/030/030/0
Air Release @50°C, mins.ASTM D 3427(1)0,51,21,2
RPVOT, minsASTM D 2272(1)Min. 1000Min. 1000Min. 1000


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