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PETRONAS Syntium 800 SN 10W-40

Developed with o CoolTech TM technology to control engine - damaging heat

Urania 3000 SAE 15W-40 API CI-4

Designed with StrongTechTM, engineered with core strength to stay stronger for longer

Urania 1000 E SAE 15W-40 API CI4

Designed with StrongTechTM, engineered with core strength to stay stronger for longer

Urania 800 15W-40 API CF-4

Designed with StrongTechTM, engineered with core strength to stay stronger for longer

Urania 500 SAE 50 API CF

Designed for wear protection and to control corrosion for older commercial vehicle

Urania 500 SAE 40 API CF

Designed for wear protection and to control corrosion for older commercial vehicle

Urania 500 SAE 30 API CF

Designed for wear protection and to control corrosion for older commercial vehicle

Urania 500 SAE 10W API CF

Designed for wear protection and to control corrosion for older commercial vehicle

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